

David Cornfield


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Posted By David Cornfield 07-31-2023 16:16
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Gee, I think we could start a separate thread just on report distribution. ------------------------------ David Cornfield VP, Finance and Planning WWF-Canada Toronto ------------------------------
Posted By David Cornfield 07-27-2023 10:13
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Done.  I found the question "Do you use SharePoint?" confusing as SharePoint is in the background for Teams. ------------------------------ David Cornfield VP, Finance and Planning WWF-Canada Toronto ------------------------------
Posted By David Cornfield 05-26-2023 10:06
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Cool!  I didn't know about the Highlight feature.  Until now I didn't know what it did.  Now I understand and will definitely use it in the future. ------------------------------ David Cornfield VP, Finance and Planning WWF-Canada Toronto ------------------------------
Posted By David Cornfield 04-14-2023 10:34
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Yeah.  I love the copy, paste-shift feature.  I use it all the time to copy mappings to start a new section in a new worksheet.  Saves a lot of time from creating a mapping for each dimension separately and individually.  Then modify as required for the new report/section. ------------------------------ ...
Posted By David Cornfield 02-24-2023 12:33
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Thanks Irene.  It is my pleasure to participate in the forums and community.  Plus, I also provide reference checks for Vena.  Most recently [Feb 1] I spoke with One Acre Fund about our experience with Vena implementation and current processes. ------------------------------ David Cornfield VP, Finance ...
Posted By David Cornfield 02-24-2023 09:42
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Hi Brendan.  I think we do a fairly detailed budget.  As you say, review and update on a monthly basis is easier for people to do.  Note that I say 'people' and not 'Finance'.  With many people involved the work is distributed.  Heads of departments and their administrator/coordinator working together ...
Posted By David Cornfield 02-21-2023 09:02
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Hi David.  Our Board meets 4 times a year.  We present a Projection [from our rolling forecast] to the end of the year at least at the 3rd and 4th meeting.  The Board likes this as this information is up to date.  Especially as/if the Budget becomes less relevant.  I don't see any disadvantage to a Rolling ...
Posted By David Cornfield 02-21-2023 08:46
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At World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF-Canada) we do monthly rolling forecasts.  This is a Scenario (RF 1+11, RF 2+10, RF 3+9...) and a monthly Process.  You can copy the Process [RF 6+6] to create the next Process [RF 7+5]. After each month end close we use Versioning to copy the actuals and the future ...
Posted By David Cornfield 01-23-2023 08:04
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It is interesting to see that some people use 'account' for employee details, whereas others use 'measure'.  I guess that is a design choice and important to stick with one or the other. A couple more questions - do people associate employees with a year or 'no year'?  How do you sort past, present, ...
Posted By David Cornfield 01-20-2023 09:17
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Thanks Olivia.  Very helpful.  Looks good.  We had looked at the Vena personnel planning template, but ended up doing our own thing.  I would love to hear from other Vena users and if they have similar set ups. ------------------------------ David Cornfield SVP, Finance WWF-Canada ----------------- ...
Posted By David Cornfield 01-18-2023 11:25
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I am looking to changing how we do our personnel planning.  I would like to solicit other users experience/advice.  Separate model or in your single model?  How do you use 'Account', 'Employee', 'Measure' dimensions to create your personnel planning.  Thanks. ------------------------------ David Cornfield ...
Posted By David Cornfield 12-07-2022 09:22
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I agree that as a charity the concepts of fund accounting (Unrestricted, Restricted) is unique and different for Board members who are more likely to come from a for-profit background.  There are two general ways to approach this.  One is the explain the fund balances using definitions at the beginning ...
Posted By David Cornfield 03-10-2022 11:45
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I would like to hear from people their experience in implementing Vena. I think that would help new Vena implementers. Of course, the first hurdle is the training for setting up templates and reports. It is necessary to have the full 4 days of training. Key is getting the people with the skills and ...
Posted By David Cornfield 03-08-2022 09:57
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Greetings. Late to introduce myself but here goes. I am VP, Finance at World Wildlife Fund Canada [WWF-Canada]. Please note 'Fund' not 'Federation'. Pet peeve is seeing 'federation' in the media. In my past I have worked for a bank, a mutual fund company, conference event organization [the company produces ...
Posted By David Cornfield 03-08-2022 09:38
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Currently - Enterprise Risk Management; Networking; Team leadership, team building; PowerBI; Performance measurement; ------------------------------ David Cornfield ------------------------------
Posted By David Cornfield 03-04-2022 08:48
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I usually look for webinars or professional development opportunities. After going to a few your email box will get you more invites - which sometimes are just selling their software, but from my CPA membership there are professional development opportunities - I prefer the on-demand, on-line variety, ...
Posted By David Cornfield 03-04-2022 08:41
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Have you used 'Scenarios' in Vena? May mean creating several scenarios with different variations of decisions/projects but that is probably the best way to use Vena. ------------------------------ David Cornfield ------------------------------
Posted By David Cornfield 03-04-2022 08:35
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Haven't really made any changes. Still keeping our offices, even if underused office space. We do expect to get back to some kind of normal soon. Our organization already had 'hot desk' office arrangements and flexible work from home options. Of course, going forward I would expect the work from home ...
Posted By David Cornfield 02-11-2022 09:28
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The rolling forecast [template] goes out to end of the current and next fiscal year. So, from 13 months up to maximum 24 months. Although I confess that many people focus only on the current fiscal year and don't focus on the next fiscal year until the budget. ------------------------------ David ...
Posted By David Cornfield 02-11-2022 06:34
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We [WWF-Canada] have Spring Planning [Budget] and either Fall Planning or Mid-Year planning [Reforecast]. So formal planning at least twice a year. The budget is more intense as this requires Board approval, whereas the Reforecast is an update with planned adjustments. For the budget we may include a ...