Andrew Roth from Vena Solutions here!
In a prior life, I used to spend the majority of my time working in Excel building and maintaining financial models for our customers. I was amazed with how much my excel skills improved, and thinking back, I'd largely attribute the progress to learning and using Excel shortcuts so I could finish tasks in faster and more efficient ways.
I was self-taught in learning these shortcuts, scouring the internet for the most common and relevant hot keys that I needed. Well scouring the internet no more! Today, we are starting the
#nomouseclub - the thread to share your favorite excel shortcuts and features!
This thread is all about how we improve together as 'Excel Nerds' so share your favorite Excel shortcuts below, and share any tips or questions that you have so we can all shoot for the stars!
I'll kick it off! Here are my top-three Excel shortcuts:
Insert a Filter --> Shift - Control - L: When working with large groups of data, filter is my best friend. Instead of having to go into click twice (Data --> Filter) I just select the cell that I want to filter, click shift, control and L, and voila, I have my filter....2 clicks is around 5 seconds of work in Excel - I just saved 4 seconds (not bad)
2. Insert function arguments --> Control - Shift - A: This function is VERY underrated. When you enter an excel function like
=DATE(, click Control + Shift+A, and it will autofill placeholders for the argument =DATE(year,month,day), where all you now need to do is double click each function and select the right cell. Once you get comfortable, it will help add structure and continuity to your formulas, and make you a better Excel Nerd.
3. Select Row and Insert Row --> Shift - Spacebar - Control - Shift - +: I want to go back to the basics for this final shortcut. If you can streamline those repetitive tasks in Excel, you are going to save yourself a lot of time! Selecting and inserting rows (and columns) is one of the lowest hanging fruit that can make you more efficient, and make you feel great about being an excel nerd.
Similarly to insert a row, when inserting a column, all you have to do is click Control + space-bar then click Ctrl + Shift + +. If you want to input multiple rows or columns, click Column Y and you will be good to go!
Well, those are my three favorite Excel shortcuts!
What are some of your favorites?
Andrew Roth