I work with Sal. You are absolutely correct. You want to enable line item details on the budget or forecast blocks that you are inputting and never on blocks retrieving actual data. Also, If you are showing forecast or another scenario as a comparative, you also want to make sure the line item detail is only enabled for the input block. Hope that helps and feel free to reach out.
Original Message:
Sent: 09-20-2023 16:43
From: Giovanna Reinking
Subject: Line Item Details in Vena and how they can support your Budgeting process
Great questions Jessica and thanks for the helpful video, @Sal Rana
@Sal Rana, do you know the answer to Jessica's question above?
Giovanna Reinking
Original Message:
Sent: 09-13-2023 09:09
From: Jessica Parker
Subject: Line Item Details in Vena and how they can support your Budgeting process
I believe you have to ensure that when showing actuals and plan in the same report with LIDs you have to have actuals in a separate block or the system begins to write duplicate values under the multiple scenarios?
Jessica Parker
Orthodontic Partners
Original Message:
Sent: 07-13-2023 10:07
From: Sal Rana
Subject: Line Item Details in Vena and how they can support your Budgeting process
Hello Vena Forum!
My name is Sal Rana and I am the Sr Director at Delbridge Solutions overseeing our Vena practice.
Today I will be sharing a short video on Vena's Line Item Details and you can use them in support of your budgeting process. The video will help you understand what they are and how you can use them to enhance your reports and provide more context to your users. This is a very useful functionality in Vena that allows users to add granular detail to inputs. Many times, you will have a generic line item with underlying inputs contributing to its total. With Line-Item Details you can lay each of these out individually and they will automatically sum to the top line. Providing context and detail to get a clear message across.
If you found this video helpful and would like to learn more, feel free to contact me or leave a comment on this post and I will get back to you.
Feel free to Like and Share the video with your peers.
Line Items Details - YouTube
#DelbridgeSolutions #VenaTip #Budgeting
Sal Rana | Sr Director, Professional Services
Delbridge Solutions | Toronto
e: srana@delbridge.solutions | m: 416.371.5066