Hi Morgan,
I found this in the Knowledge Base. You need Admin access, and then (in your sandbox environment) go to Admin>Policies>General>Environment Label.
Here is the Knowledge Base article: https://support.venasolutions.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002477032-How-To-Using-Environment-Labels-to-Visually-Identify-Your-Current-Vena-Environment
Kathy Pethers
Senior Financial Systems Analyst
Financial Plus Credit Union
Original Message:
Sent: 02-21-2024 10:15
From: Morgan Deal
Subject: customizing application environments
how do you change the 'enviroment name'?
I third this. I was in our practive enviroment on accident ( I have since then removed auto login for my test account that it for some unknown reason defaulted too) last Friday and freaked out out beause I didn't see recent changes I had made. The upper right still said my name and I would love for it to say "Sandbox" or "Test Enviroment"
Morgan Deal
Senior Financial Analyst
Blue Bird
Original Message:
Sent: 01-03-2024 12:01
From: Kathy Pethers
Subject: customizing application environments
Does anyone know if it is possible to change the color scheme in the web application environment? We would like to change our sandbox environment to have a different color on the menu ribbon, other than "Vena green".
I understand how to change the environment name, and have already done that, but would like something to make it more obvious.
Kathy Pethers
Senior Financial Systems Analyst
Financial Plus Credit Union